Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Goats Milk

I started give goats milk to my Muadz when he's was 3 years of age.Since its so hard t find the fresh one from the market,so I just give him formula goats milk from Karihome product .Because of the price is quite expensive,I dont give him fully goats milk.Means 3:1. Every 3 bottle of cows milk plus 1 bottle of goats milk everyday.

I really impressed the statement made by Muadz yesterday,"Minum susu, nnt jadi pandai".Actually I mixed his milk with oat.I blend the oat to become powder and mixed with his milk powder. Normally he prepare his milk himself .I like the way he count the scoop.At the end, he said 'kenapa susu Muadz tak sedap?'Hmm..because he didnt put the full scoop.Then ,I asked him to fill the milk powder until number 5oz.The problem solved!!

For Umar, I think need lots of patient to introduce him to this milk.Because after wean off breasfeeding, he refused to drink any milk.Hm...seems like he make some protes over me.But will try it slowly.

source from :

1. Rich source of nutrients.Goat’s milk contains rich amounts of calcium, tryptophan which is an amino acid, proteins, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and minerals like phosphorus and potassium.

2. Provides huge amount of energy.Goat’s milk contains rich quantity of Riboflavin or vitamin B2, which plays an important role in the production of energy required for routine physical activity in the body. A cup of goat’s milk provides 20% of the daily riboflavin required by the body.

3. Beneficial for lactose intolerancePeople whose bodies are intolerant to lactose sugar cannot digest cow’s milk and suffer from conditions like vomiting when cow’s milk is consumed. In such people, the consumption of goat’s milk causes no problem at all. Other allergic reactions that may occur due to the intake of cow’s milk are absent when goat’s milk is used.

4. Improves mineral metabolismGoat’s milk aids in improving the metabolism of minerals like iron and copper that are essential for the body. This is especially beneficial for people suffering from problems of absorption of minerals in the digestive tract.
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5. Antimicrobial in natureGoat’s milk contains huge amounts of medium-chain fatty acids like caprylic and capric acids, which make it quite more healthy in comparison to cow’s milk. The presence of these acids makes it extremely antimicrobial in nature, protecting the body form many diseases.

6. Anti-inflammatory in nature.Research conducted on goat’s milk has proven that it contains anti-inflammatory compounds that are essentially short chain sugar molecules known as oligosaccharides. The presence of these molecules is responsible for its anti-inflammatory nature and easily digestible characteristic. Goat’s milk is thus easily digested by people having a reduced intestinal function.

7. Prevents bone loss.Due to the rich quantities of calcium present in goat’s milk, it is useful in preventing bone loss.

8. Protects from other diseases.The intake of goat’s milk also prevents migraine headaches and the occurrence of fatal diseases like colon cancer.
So, the next time you find cow’s milk causing allergic reactions in your body, do opt for goat’s milk as it is more nutritious than what you have been consuming till now.

Source From:

Dalam keperitan panas mentari, kelihatan 3 susuk tubuh dalam perjalanan ke satu destinasi. wanita yang menghuni khemah itu sedang setia menanti kepulangan suami untuk rezeki mereka pada hari itu, yang ada bersamanya hanya seekor kambing betina tua yang kurus dan kekeringan susu.

Tatkala menjawab salam daripada 3 insan pengembara itu, dia menjawab tiada apa yang mampu dihidangkan kepada mereka kerana sang suami yang dinanti masih belum kunjung tiba. Namun, dia berbesar hati menyediakan tempat untuk mereka menumpang berteduh buat sementara waktu bagi menghilangkan lelah sebelum perjalanan yang jauh diteruskan kembali. Kedengaran suara meminta izin dari wanita itu agar dapat sekiranya memberi mereka sejenis bekas dan apa yang boleh diguna untuk diperah susu daripada kambing betina tua itu..

Wanita itu terperanjat tetapi tetap menghulurkan bejana dari kulit sambil mengatakan yang kambing itu dah tua dan telah lama kekeringan susu apatah lagi keadaan mereka di padang pasir yang membuatkan kambing itu kurus kering.

Namun, itulah keajaibannya. apa yang tidak diketahui wanita itu adalah tetamunya itu bukanlah sembarangan orang tetapi Baginda adalah Rasul Junjungan Mulia, Muhammad Rasulullah dan sahabat-sahabatnya.Rasulullah saw menggunakan tangan baginda yang mulia itu lalu mula memerah susu kambing. Bukan sahaja susu memenuhi bejana malah, kambing betina itu terus terusan mengeluarkan susu setiap kali diperah.

Wanita itu sungguh kagum dan tidak putus-putus mengucapkan terima kasih kepada para tetamunya yang kemudian meneruskan kembali perjalanan mereka.Apabila suaminya pulang, tidak hentinya kisah itu diulang dan suami yang gembira itu menyatakan itulah Muhammad yang kisahnya didengar dari pekan dan semakin ramai pengikutnya.Itu adalah satu daripada banyak lagi kisah Nabi tercinta dengan minuman kegemarannya, susu kambing. Sebenarnya, sesuatu yang sunnah itu banyak sekali fadilat dan manfaatnya, kerana rasulullah saw adalah insan terbaik pilihan Allah yang ditulis dalam al-Quran sebagai role model atau contoh ikutan yang baik untuk sekelian umat manusia. "Dan tidak Kami utuskan engkau wahai Muhammad meliankan untuk membawa rahmat ke seluruh alam". .Wallahu a'lam....

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