Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Birthday : Muadz and Umar on 11th and 8th FEB

Happy Birtday to you. Muadz turned to 5yo on 11th Feb and Umar 2yo on 8th Feb.May both of you be a good son.Actually no special celebration because on that week mama had a submission and papa bz with his work.Got too many downtime on that week.

So that on Thursday mama baked cuppy cakes for them.Actually that was my first cupcake.Since on that time bz baking and handling the "little helper" while papa was out attending the downtime,there's no picture.And the taste is not bad and the decoration with butter icing is shaking(haha...newbie la katakan).So i planned to bring this cake to their baby sitter house instead of Muadz skool.Malu la nak bawak pi skolah muadz...next time ok..

MakYam told me,Muadz keep on telling her and Ummi(they called Kak Siti) today is his birtday.And the best part is MakYam said to Muadz.."MakYam bacakan doa lah utk Muadz sempena B'day Muadz"...huhuhu....really touched my heart.

To all my kids,mama and papa really love you.And both of you shines ,bring so many loves and happiness to our life.

1 comment:

Nanie said...

hi & nice blog....both of my son got the same name as yours...now muadz 4yrs old-11th feb , umar is 2yrs old-19th nov. waiting for my next baby...just pray the best for me!...;)